230 eligible schools located in 9 Western New York counties presently shop at The Teacher’s Desk.
Click on a photo to read about our work

The Students
Students receive new supplies. Over 130,000 students in need located in 9 Western New York counties annually benefit from the work of The Teacher’s Desk.

The Teachers
Teachers shop for free. 6000 teachers shopped with us in the last academic year. It’s a wonderful way to let them know that God and community care. The quote heard most often throughout the academic […]

The Store
Thanks to our wonderful donors including The Kids in Need Foundation, The Teacher’s Desk annually distributes $6,000,000 in free school supplies to students in need throughout the Western New York community. We offer curbside pickup.

The Volunteers
Join our 200 weekly volunteers because it really is better to give than to receive. Plus you might even get a free T-shirt.

The Sponsors
Please support our sponsors.